

D Celeste Element-svg ADVERTISING,

WE CCeleste Element-svgMMUNICATE IDEAS.

Why? Because we believe that this is the only way to create meaningful conversation.

Welcome to Celeste Experience!






We specialise in the art of communicating ideas. Through our creative aptitude and strategic approach, we bring ideas to life. Whether it's through powerful copy or immersive storytelling, we are committed to translating ideas into captivating communications that drive results.

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We are consistently exceeding the boundaries of conventional designs. We believe that true creativity lies in going beyond the ordinary, pushing the limits, and exploring uncharted territories. We strive to transcend expectations and deliver groundbreaking campaigns that inspires.



The design industry is perpetually changing, and we aspire to evolve alongside it, continuously raising the standards of creativity in the industry. Our aim is to expand our horizons mentally, aesthetically, and geographically and to evolve a brand's communications through experimentation & exploration.


Mandeep Singh



A well praised artist with almost 3 decades of experience , Mandeep Singh possesses expertise in design, illustration and typography. He focuses on the potential of language as a visual medium, pushing language to its limits. Mixing styles and drawing equally inspired from art, abstract art, fashion and music, Mandeep has created design, illustration and typography for a diverse range of some of the most iconic national and international clients in the field of Real Estate, Hospitality, Industrial, Medical, Education etc. for which he is acclaimed as "Hospitality King" in the North region of India.Mandeep has created design, illustration and typography for a diverse range of some of the most iconic national and international clients in the field of Real Estate, Hospitality, Industrial, Medical, Education etc. for which he is acclaimed as "Hospitality King" in the North region of India.

Tap on the link and explore his abstract, expressive visual dimension



A well praised artist with almost 3 decades of experience , Mandeep Singh possesses expertise in design, illustration and typography. He focuses on the potential of language as a visual medium, pushing language to its limits. Mixing styles and drawing equally inspired from art, abstract art, fashion and music, Mandeep has created design, illustration and typography for a diverse range of some of the most iconic national and international clients in the field of Real Estate, Hospitality, Industrial, Medical, Education etc. for which he is acclaimed as "Hospitality King" in the North region of India.Mandeep has created design, illustration and typography for a diverse range of some of the most iconic national and international clients in the field of Real Estate, Hospitality, Industrial, Medical, Education etc. for which he is acclaimed as "Hospitality King" in the North region of India.

Tap on the link and explore his abstract, expressive visual dimension



Chief Creative Officer

Virkaran is a specialist in design language and leads the creative team with a fresh, innovative and unique vision.With an experience of over seven years, his stronghold grasp on communication via the language of design has found rapport with many industry leaders. Virkaran is the frontrunner of marketing with ingenious ideas and their seamless execution working with a tandem of clients both national and international.


Chief Creative Officer

Virkaran is a specialist in design language and leads the creative team with a fresh, innovative and unique vision.With an experience of over seven years, his stronghold grasp on communication via the language of design has found rapport with many industry leaders. Virkaran is the frontrunner of marketing with ingenious ideas and their seamless execution working with a tandem of clients both national and international.

driven by



Chief Operations Officer



Chief Creative Officer



Chief Technology Officer

Harjit Singh


Sr. Project Manager I.T

Mamta Gulati - Sr. Graphic Designer


Sr. Graphic Designer



Graphic Designer



Graphic Designer

Paras Mattu - Graphic Designer


Graphic Designer



Graphic Designer

WhatsApp Image 2024-03-06 at 3.55.41 PM


Graphic Designer

Aman Sharma - Content Writer


Content Writer



Content Writer

Brand Stretegies


Brand Strategist



Sr. Account Manager

Mallika Website


Sr. Account Manager

Kanishk Sharma - Sr. Account Manager


Sr. Account Manager

Kanwarbir singh


Sr. Account Manager



Social Media Executive

Bhumika Kathuria - HR Executive


HR Executive

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Explore our dedication to social responsibility.

Celeste Welfare Logo


Navigating Your Business's Success:

Brand Consulting Imagine having a personal guide who explores every nook and cranny of your business. That's exactly what we do at Celeste Experience. Our Business & Brand Consulting service is like having a treasure map that uncovers your unique strengths, challenges, and hidden opportunities.

Crafting Your Story:

Branding and Identity Creation A brand isn't just a logo; it's a captivating story waiting to be told. Enter The Eye of Transcendence. We're experts at creating an identity that's more than skin deep. It's the way your brand feels, the tale it weaves, and the impression it leaves. Whether it's your logo, your visual style, or even the way you talk about your venture, we're here to ensure your brand resonates.

Guiding Your Message:

Campaign Planning Telling people about your brand isn't a shot in the dark – it's a carefully orchestrated masterpiece. Our Brand and Campaign Planning service is like choreographing a dance where every move matters. We're not just thinking about your audience; we're thinking about who they are, where they are, and when they're most receptive. This ensures your message lands perfectly, like a sweet note in a symphony, reaching the right people at the right moment through the most effective channels.

Crafting Words:

Copywriting Imagine words as paintbrush strokes on the canvas of your brand. Our Copywriters does just that. We're the artists who use words to create compelling stories that resonate with your audience. Whether it's an engaging ad, a newsletter, or a social media post, our words have the power to inspire action and build lasting connections.

Shaping Your Story:

Public Relations Public Relations isn't just about press releases; it's about curating your brand's image and building meaningful relationships. At [Advertising Agency Name], we're your PR maestros. We cultivate positive perceptions through strategic media placements, events, and community engagement. Our aim is to make your brand a respected and sought-after presence in the minds of your target audience.

Finding Your Unique Space:

Brand Positioning In a crowded marketplace, standing out isn't just an option; it's a necessity. We analyse your competition, understand your audience, and then craft a distinct place for your brand. This way, when people think of your industry, they think of you – the one who offers something truly special.

Speaking Thoughts:

Blog Marketing Blogs are more than just words; they're a way to connect, educate, and inspire. We believe it is a conversation starter that draws your audience in. We create informative, engaging, and shareable content that not only showcases your product but also keeps your audience coming back for more.

Logo & Collaterals:

Your logo is the face of your brand, and we’ve the artists who sculpt it into a symbol of recognition. But it doesn't end there. We extend this identity to every piece of collateral, ensuring your brand speaks cohesively and powerfully across all platforms.


In a world where both ink and pixels have their place, we're fluent in both languages. Whether it's the tactile beauty of innovative print ads in newspaper or magazine or the dynamic impact of digital artworks, we design with precision and purpose.


Sometimes, a single image can convey what words can't. Our visual stories can add depth, emotion, and uniqueness to your brand/product. From custom artworks to infographics, we illustrate ideas that leave a lasting impression.

Website (UI/UX):

Your website is your digital home, its design must have a seamless navigation and stunning aesthetics. With an emphasis on user experience (UX) and captivating interfaces (UI), we create websites that convert.

Management of Social Platforms:

Social media is your brand's voice in the digital world, and we excel in positioning it rightly. We can manage your social platforms; be that Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google Business or Youtube, with precision as well as creating engaging content, responds to your audience, and keeps your brand relevant

Lead Generation & Promotional Ads:

Turning interest into action is our forte. Through strategic lead generation campaigns and promotional ads, we attract potential customers and guide them towards becoming loyal advocates of your brand.

Online Reputation Management:

Your online reputation is your digital currency, and we're the guardians of its value. Our digital department ensures your brand's image remains positive and strong, addressing any challenges and seizing opportunities to enhance your brand’s online reputation.

Event Planning & Designing:

Imagine an event that leaves a lasting impression. That's what we excel in and are proud of. From conceptualisation to execution, we create experiences that tell your brand’s/project’s story. Whether it's a grand launch or a gathering, we craft events that align with your vision and engage your audience.

Brand & Corporate Films:

Visual storytelling is a powerful tool. Our production house bring your narrative to life on the screen. From heartfelt stories to corporate profiles, we create films that resonate.

Customer Testimonials:

Your satisfied customers are your brand's best advertisers. We curate authentic and compelling customer testimonials that showcase real experiences. Through genuine voices, we build trust and provide potential customers with a window into the value your brand delivers.

















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We don't just communicate ideas - we shape it. Only then we create a meaningful conversation that ultimately leads to the goal: Interaction.
